– Process – The borosilicate glass range – Applications – Processing – Cleaning – Our partner https://mailchi.mp/4a88dcfd1f23/newsletter-0419-histoires-de-production-pisode-n4-le-verre-borosilicat-production-history-episode-4-borosilicate-glass
Discover our recommendations and our newsletter ->Glass handling tips:
– unpacking – handling – storage and cleaning https://mailchi.mp/fc587a980cb0/newsletter-0319-conseils-de-manutention-du-verre-glass-handling-tips
Participation of Verre Industrie in the renovation of the lighting of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris
Images of the partnership between Verre Industrie and Philippe AUGAT For this project, we have developed a customized solution in laminated and tempered glass that meets the requirements of the CSTB 3448 standard https://www.linkedin.com/posts/philippe-augat-a40b9b191_remplacement-des-dalles-de-verre-avec-encadrement-activity-6573139105130045440-M7EC
New chemical hardening furnace
The equipment was validated this week by the manufacturer. The installation of our high-capacity furnace is scheduled for October 2019 to allow production to begin before the end of the year. https://verreindustrie.fr
Consolidation of the lamination team
Following new investments and the increase in our laminating production capacity. Two specialists have joined Verre Industrie. Welcome Damien and Daniel. https://verreindustrie.fr
MAKS 2019 show: Vision Systems presents opacifying glass for ANSAT helicopter (Russian Helicopters, JSC)
Verre Industrie is processing partner for the glass part. An amazing new project completed in a very short time. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6572752223464370176/
Finalization of the new place of the nation in Paris
Thanks to Philippe AUGAT for promoting our common project. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/philippe-augat-a40b9b191_cr%C3%A9ation-r%C3%A9alisation-et-pose-de-quatre-r%C3%A9ceptacles-activity-6573168009215565824-vQzl The glasses visible on the photos and supplied by Verre Industrie are tempered laminated glasses to close the new projector pits. https://verreindustrie.fr/
Back from holiday
Back from holiday, Verre Industrie has optimized its production organization: – machining slots dedicated. – reservation of machining capacity in advance. – Possibility to build up security stocks. We are at your disposal for any discussion and study. Home