– Soda-lime glass – Glass for electronics – Optical glass – Borosilicate glass – Thin & aluminosilicate glass – Fused silica/quartz – Glass ceramic – Glass beads and microbeads – Any other types of glass on demand https://verreindustrie.fr/en/range/
Verre Industrie wishes you a Merry Christmas
Thank you for your trust in 2018.
Closing of Verre Industrie for the end of year holidays
Closing of Verre Industrie for the end of year holidays from 21/12/2018 to 3/01/2019 https://verreindustrie.fr
Verre Industrie presents its activity of trading glass beads and microbeads
Use: – road marking – surface treatment by impact – crushing – filtration – soft mass for impact tests Diameter from 50μ to 3mm https://verreindustrie.fr
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Here is an example of a folder: “Glass & EMI Shielding : Our Solutions” https://mailchi.mp/95680ec4b743/verre-cem-nos-solutions-glass-emi-shielding-our-solutions Subscribe https://verreindustrie.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=9b9aa1129e2d0b0eed28f3357&id=e7bec2e6ba
Subscribe to our newsletter and receive a monthly thematic report on our business and know-how
Here is an example of a thematic folder: “New anti-reflective laminated glass : VICFIR combines perfect display protection with optimum visibility.” https://mailchi.mp/a42c6313a090/vicfir-nouveau-verrefeuilletanti-reflet-new-anti-reflective-laminatedglass
Verre Industrie is technical partner and exclusive reseller of Optical Filters in France and Benelux, a company specialized in EMI-shielding and optical bonding. We offer you glasses and sub-assemblies that can be directly integrated. https://verreindustrie.fr
Did you know that you can produce your touchscreens in Europe?
Verre Industrie is partner of European touchscreens manufacturers for customised small and medium quantities. We offer tailor-made solutions in various glass types and design. https://verreindustrie.fr